Gymnasium Trittau
The Gymnasium Trittau is a state-run secondary school located in a rural area. The aim of our work is to give our students the ability to study at university with the diplomas of the advanced technical college entrance qualification and the Abitur.
In addition to a wide range of teaching opportunities, this goal is served by elective courses and a variety of profiles in higher classes, study groups, competitions, and extra-curricular activities in all subjects.
English is the first foreign language from Year 5, French or Latin as a second foreign language follows from Year 7. Spanish can be taken as the 3rd foreign language from grade 9 and is the language profile subject in the higher classes. Language certificates can be obtained in both French and Spanish (DELE in Spanish and DELF in French). Participation in competitions is possible in all languages.
As the first of five MINT-EC schools in Schleswig-Holstein, we are well networked in the natural sciences and are the location of the Schülerforschungszentrum Südost (Student Research Centre South East). Support in the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology is a special focus. Competitions (Jugend forscht etc.) regularly attract a high number of participants and our researchers are always successful.
Prevention work with a wide range of measures (prevention of violence, addiction, eating disorders, health programmes, conflict resolution, media scouts, class mentors, school paramedics) is another focus of our school, which is characterised by the active and creative cooperation (peer-to-peer) of our students.
With our prevention work we also counter the dangers of digitalisation. At the same time, the responsible use of digital media is a natural part of teaching.
Other important characteristics of the work and services at our school are
- various exchange programmes (France, Hungary, Estonia, Spain, USA, Tanzania),
- an intensive vocational preparation (company and business internships, vocational guidance and lectures),
- numerous sports activities (working groups, competition teams, sports festivals and the school triathlon),
- cultural offers in the musical and artistic field, partly with external partners, also interdisciplinary (e.g. dance and physics, radio play, theatre, musical, …)
- Activities within the framework of the Zukunftsschule Gymnasium Trittau
- Offers of the open all-day school.